
所 在 地:
四川 成都市 成都市锦江区锦盛路138号

成都品信天暖节能科技有限公司拥有自身品牌“安得赛”、专利等知识产权,系远红外热辐射电采暖系统与节能环保设备的研发生产、市场开拓、营销策划、管理咨询、装饰装修工程为一体的综合性公司。 成都品信天暖节能科技有限公司秉承"节能环保、造福社会"服务理念,遵循"品质优良做人、信誉至上做事"为佑,不仅生产装配于市政路灯、热力供暖、星级酒店、高压电机的节能矢量控制器,而且还融汇10余年节能型采暖经验,在国内涂装隐身专家指导下,生产集国内外先进技术为基础、第11代"安得赛"纳米级、吸顶式、除湿型、远红外、热辐射【77.21%】,兼具释放超高浓度负离子【7100个/cm³】、除霾净化空气效能【90.5%】的远程智能化目前独创的电采暖系统,国内俗称为"天暖"、"阳光天暖"、"品信天暖"。目前,品信天暖--安得赛电采暖系统,因其“采暖式装修、装饰性采暖”美观、舒适、质优、价廉,特别是其功能性强大而独树一帜、闻名遐迩 。 成都品信天暖节能科技有限公司,专业研发、生产、销售、装修、服务为一体的采暖式综合性企业。其生产的安得赛电采暖经北京理工大学、中科院科技查新中心全球中英文查询论证、四川省人民政府专委会鉴定,品信天暖系统补充市场。 目前,安得赛品信天暖已成功装配于严寒地区那曲国土局、水利局、林业局、财政局、人事局、扶贫办、党校等,林芝法院、茶楼、建设银行、邮政局办公楼、拉萨幸福苑别墅等,寒冷地区昭通行政审批中心,甘孜州藏医院,阿坝州电信公司,九寨沟管理局宾馆、贵阳花果园、山水黔城、中铁国际城、黔南惠水涟江尚品以及夏暖冬冷地区成都众多医院、银行、证券等办公楼与江、浙、沪别墅、住宅、茶坊,甚至川滇的养殖场,华阳的药材、花卉培育基地;采暖工程百千案例等。 Chengdu PinXin ceiling heating technology co., LTD founded in May 17, 2013.It was co-founded by Weihai PinXin energy-saving equipment co., LTD and Weihai PinXin energy-saving equipment co., LTD. Chengdu branch.The new company inherited the company's fine tradition and past the core technology,fully implement management zongdsy --PinXin ceiling heating of production, sales and follow-up service, etc. work. WEIHAI ENERGY-SAVING EQUIPMENT CO., LTD was established on July 16, 2003. It's a company which specialized in energy saving, environmental protection as well as development and management of investment and financing market. And our company was rated as the first top energy saving enterprise by The national development and reform commissio EMCA.Owing to a great many of projects all over the country and preferential national policies for the Midwest, a branch office of Marketing Management Department was set up on August 1, 2011 in Chengdu(the so-called "Engine" City in West China). Our company has its own brand, intellectual property rights.Now our stepped into a new stage of development,It's a professional far infrared radiation heating system and the development of energy conservation and environmental protection equipment production, marke

公司名称: 成都品信天暖节能科技有限公司
电话号码: 028-85594716
传真号码: 028-67173638
联 系 人: 宗陆群
手机号码: 13980802939
所在地区: 四川 成都市
详细地址: 成都市锦江区锦盛路138号

地址:成都市锦江区锦盛路138号联系电话:028-85594716  13980802939传真:028-67173638访问统计:1652
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