
所 在 地:
江苏 镇江市 丹徒区瑞山路9号

镇江中科安全智能家居有限公司 公司位于江苏镇江-----一座3000多年历史的江南名城,家喻户晓的“水漫金山寺”“京口瓜洲一水间”就在此地。公司位置优越,距南京半小时车程,距上海一小时车程。 我司主要设计、研发、生产、销售各种技术的磁疗保健床垫,静磁、旋磁、低磁场高穿透、智能睡眠监测系统。 自主品牌“富眠康”远红外智能型床垫面向海内外招商代理! 为国内外客户代工、贴牌OEM \ ODM. 产品极具市场竞争力,质优、价廉、安全、智能! 定做各种畅销日本、韩国、美国、澳大利亚、欧洲款的磁疗保健床垫、薄垫! 欢迎有会销、直销、外贸、电销、店销、微商、养老等销售渠道资源者洽谈合作! 招商部联系人:王经理 15706109914 Zhenjiang Zhongke Magnetic Therapy Mattress CO.,LTD The company is located in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China. A famous city nearby the south of the Yangtze River, which is more than 3000 years old. The company's location is half an hour's drive from Nanjing, and one hour's drive from Shanghai. Our company mainly designs, develops, produces and sells magnetic therapy mattress with various technologies, static magnetic, rotary magnetic, low magnetic field high penetration, intelligent sleep monitoring system. Independent brand "Fu Mian Kang" far-infrared intelligent mattress for investment agents at home and abroad! For domestic and foreign customers OEM \ ODM. products are highly competitive, quality, low price, safety, intelligence! Custom made all kinds of magnetic therapy mattresses, health care mattresses, thin pads sold in Japan, South Korea, the United States, Australia and Europe. Welcome domestic sales, channel, direct sales,trade, electricity sales, store sales, micro business and other sales channel resources to discuss cooperation. Merchants' contact: Manager Jack +86 15706109914

公司名称: 镇江中科安全智能家居有限公司
电话号码: 0511-88083241
传真号码: 0511-88083241
联 系 人: 王经理
手机号码: 15706109914
所在地区: 江苏 镇江市
详细地址: 丹徒区瑞山路9号
邮政编码: 212100

地址:丹徒区瑞山路9号联系电话:0511-88083241  15706109914传真:0511-88083241访问统计:3298
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