产品分类:广东机械及工业制品 > 佛山抛光机
Internal leveling equipment device called the inside and outside the pipe welding leveling equipment, more concise call is:Internal leveling, it was also called HZP.The internal leveling device is a reciprocating automatic rolling device with a built-in mandrel and rolling the pipe by means of a roll. By controlling the rolling strength and pass to achieve the inner and outer weld leveling, the inner and outer welds are completely removed and Base metal smooth transition, is to achieve seamless pipe. The equipment is widely used in sanitary-grade fluid pipes, sanitary tubes, petrochemical pipes and other industries of precision pipe manufacturing.
Internal leveling equipment is mainly composed of two parts, part of the hydraulic station, the other part is the rack. The role of the hydraulic station is to provide the power of the machine operation, and the role of the rack is to play and test machine extrusion operation function.
内整平设备工作原理/Internal leveling device works:
With the inside and outside the weld more than the weld pipe through the horizontal roller rolling, the remaining height is removed, the weld interface into a horizontal oval, the mandrel was caught in the pipe and followed by the pipe to go; The pipe interface becomes a perfect circle, the mandrel is separated from the pipe, and is returned to the proper position by the cylinder when the frame is returned, and then the second rolling cycle is carried out.
内整平抗扭座/Internal leveling - torsion base
This is customized for high-end customer requirements, the weld torsion device to correct the weld pipe manufacturing process in the weld offset situation, improve the pipe into the material rate.
- 所在地区:
- 广东 佛山
- 联系地址:
- 广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇白沙桥曾永亮厂房车间6A
- 联 系 人:
- 联系电话:
- 15999581282
- 传真:
- 0757-81162336
- 联系手机:
- 15999581282
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