CTS-成立于1896年,是贝尔发明电话后第一个制造商,美国60年代上市公司,拥有400多项专利的高科技跨国企业集团。所经营的事业体包括 EMS事业部,通讯事业部、机电零件事业部、汽车电子零件业等,其产品广泛应用于汽车、通讯设备、计算机、游戏机、手机以及航空等领域。公司工厂遍布世界各地,在大陆分设公司于天津、中山和上海。
Profile of CTS (Zhongshan) Technology Co., Ltd
CTS Corporation was established in 1896 and was the first manufacturer after Bell invented telephone. It has been a public company in U.S.A. since 1960’s and it is an international organization with more than 400 patents owned. The business units include EMS Business Unit, Communication Business Unit, Electrocomponents Unit, and Automotive Business Unit. Our products are widely applied to automotive vehicles, communication equipments, computers, electronic games machines, mobile phones and aerospace, etc. Our factories are located throughout the world. In mainland China, manufacturing operations are located in Tianjin and Zhongshan and sales representative is located in Shanghai. With 250 million investments from Corporation in 1999 in Tianjin, Tianjin operation has become the north China manufacturing center of communications and electronics. And also invest to establish hi-tech automotive components manufacturing base of south China in Zhongshan torch development zone; as well as setting up product R & D and supplier development center in Shanghai.
CTS (Zhongshan) Technology Co., Ltd mainly produces all kinds of variable resistors, DIP switch, automotive sensors, electronic controllers and other products. CTS (Zhongshan) has passed ISO14001and TS16949 certification.
In addition, the company implements five days a week with 8 hours a day working system. All employees are entitled to all holidays according to labor law, such as legal maternity leave, marriage leave, mourning leave, etc.; annual leave and getting 13 months paid a year. The company purchase social insurance for all employees such as Pension、 Medical care、 Work injury and Unemployment insurance. Information board and various recreational and sports activities are to enrich the employee's spare time.
The Company is emphasizing corporation culture construction, which is people-oriented, right people in the right positions, execution, teamwork and Objective management; pay high attention to improving employee’s comprehensive ability and English skills to develop international talent.
With the expansion of scales and business, you are welcomed to join us.
Joining CTS, you will be offered a good personal development space and wide stage to realize your ambitions.
西迪斯(中山)科技有限公司 CTS-成立于1896年,是贝尔发明电话后第一个制造商,美国60年代上市公司,拥有400多项专利的高科技跨国企业集团。所经营的事业体包括EMS事业部,通讯事业部、机电零件事业部、汽车电子零件业等,其产品广泛应用于汽车、通讯设备、计算机、游戏机、手机以及航空等领域。公司工厂遍布世界各地,在大陆分设公司于天津、中山和上海。 西迪斯(中山)科技有限公司主要生产汽车感应器、电子控制器、各类可变电阻器﹑指拨开关(DIP)﹑等产品﹐公司通过了ISO14001及TS16949认证,现公司正处在快速成长期。 公司注重以人为本、适才适所、执行力、团队精神、目标管理的企业文化建设;注重员工综合技能培训与提升,每年有海外员工受训计划,以造就国际性的人才;公司经常举办各类文体活动,以丰富员工的业余生活。 公司实行5天8小时工作制,所有员工均享有年终双薪、年休假;有按劳动法规定之各类节假日,如:法定产假、婚假、丧假等;公司按规定为员工办理养老、医疗、工伤、失业社会保险及意外险;另:公司为员工办理住房公积金。 因此,由于公司业务及规模的扩展,公司需要您的加盟。公司将提供有竞争的薪酬并会给您一个良好的个人发展空间。
公司名称: | 西迪斯(中山)科技有限公司 |
电话号码: | (0760)88588111-8102 |
传真号码: | |
联 系 人: | :邱先生 |
手机号码: | |
微信: | |
所在地区: | 广东 中山市 |
详细地址: | 广东中山火炬开发区逸仙科技园东镇东一路(528430) |
邮政编码: |
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