
所 在 地:
上海 山东省青州市黄楼工业区

青州威尔环保机械制造有限公司专业生产挖泥船,清淤船,挖沙船,绞吸式挖泥船,公司坐落在古九州之一的山东省青州市,是全国软矿开发机械行业的领航者,集挖泥船,淘金船,淘金机械,淘金设备科研,开发,机械设计,生产安装,调试服务一体的专业生产制造公司。 本公司自成立以来,主要产品:挖泥船,清淤船,挖沙船,绞吸式挖泥船。沙矿机械:挖沙船、抽沙船、自吸自卸船、旱地筛沙机、制沙、洗沙水洗机械。 铁砂提取机械:链斗式铁沙船、自吸式铁沙船、旱地卧式、立式水选机械。 大型清淤、挖沙机械:绞吸式挖泥船、水陆两用船、钻式吸沙船。 稀有金属提取机械:锆英砂、黄金、宝石提取机械等十六大系列八十个规格供用户选择,并根据 用户的地理环境设计制造异型产品。 根据非洲、东南亚、以及国内的特殊地形和工作环境 研发生产的锆英砂、黄金、宝石提取机械(螺旋流槽、离心机、跳汰机)均受到国内外客户的好评和认可。 我们凭借一流的产品质量,合理的价格,完整的售后服务体系 赢得了国内外客户的广泛赞誉。 我们将一如既往的本着诚信、互利、共同发展的宗旨,欢迎国内外客商来本公司考察洽谈。 Qingzhou Weier Environmental Protection Machinery Manufacturing co., LTD. was established in 1990. Our company is a professional manufacturer and reliable service provider of dredging machines, water cleaning harvesters, mining machinery and sand processing machinery. We provide a series of services from Research & Design, Production, Installation & Adjustment to After Service. We specialize in dredgers for various industries, including: Construction, Environment, Sand Production and Mining.  Our main products include sand-digging machinery, mineral processing machinery, sand washing machines, sand pumping ships, auto-load and auto-unload sand transporting ships, iron extraction machinery (water election, dry election), gold mining ships, high-standard sand washing machinery, sand making machinery, transport ships, stone crushing machinery, large and medium-sized dredging ships, and sprinkling irrigation ships. We have a six series with more than 120 kinds of products for your choose.  We use excellent product quality and after-sales service to win customers and establish a stable market. Our products sell to more than 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, and are successfully exported to North Korea, Russia, South Korea, South Africa, Nigeria, and other countries and regions. We received a wide acclaim and established long-term cooperation relationships with domestic and overseas customers.  Welcome to our company to visit and negotiate.

公司名称: 青州市威尔环保机械制造有限公司
电话号码: 0536-3837236
传真号码: 0536-3837236
联 系 人: 王洪兴
手机号码: 13764645104
所在地区: 上海
详细地址: 山东省青州市黄楼工业区

地址:山东省青州市黄楼工业区联系电话:0536-3837236  13764645104传真:0536-3837236访问统计:2718
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